“Mildred Left Her Pen at School” – Strong, Maine (1919)

Mrs. Harland Pearson lived in Strong, a town perched in a vale above the Sandy River in central Maine.

In 1920, the town of 800 people boasted a boot and shoe factory, machine shops, Maine’s first cheese factory, a clothespin manufacturer, a maker of cane seat chair bottoms, and an excelsior factory.


In April of 1919, Mrs. Pearson received a postcard from Mildred Simmons.

Mildred mailed the postcard from West Farmington, a town on the Sandy River, about 11 miles south of Strong.

Today, Farmington is the county seat of Franklin County and a college town and resort center.


The face of the postcard shows a melancholy scene of a lake bordered by a country road.

In the foreground, an empty skiff is moored beside a stand of trees.

Beneath the shadowy image, a printed invocation implores the love of “the Holy One above”:

“My thoughts are with you all the day,

And when at night I kneel to pray,

I ask the Holy One above,

To keep you ever in His love.”

On the reverse, Mildred addresses Mrs. Pearson as “Sadie”.

We learn that Mildred “was glad to hear you (Sadie) are getting on so finely”.

The postcard was addressed in care of Dr. Bell, so it is possible that Mrs. Pearson was in a rest home or infirmary.

Mildred then asks, “Please excuse pencil as I guess my pen is down to (sic) school.”

The message to Sadie is sent “Lovingly”.

One hopes that Sadie enjoyed the postcard, that she continued to improve in health, and that she and Mildred remained correspondents for many years.


Sadie Lillian Yeaton  was born in Farmington, Maine  to Samuel Fellows Yeaton (1861-1918) and Ellen (“Nellie”) Augusta Wing (1868-1952) in 1889.

Sadie had a younger sister, Maude.

In September of 1911, Sadie married Harland Curtis Pearson in Famington; the couple had no children.

Harland C. Pearson (1882-1958) died in Farmington in 1958.

Seven years later, in 1965, Sadie married again.

Albert Shaw Lowell (1893-1977) married Sadie in Farmington.

Sadie died in 1975 and is buried in Farmington.


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