Morris Sends A Postcard to His Mother – Kiamesha Lake, NY (1908)

Mrs. C. Lawrence was in Chautauqua, the town and lake resort in southwestern New York.

Because thousands of visitors vacationed in Chautauqua for the cultural, educational, and spiritual offerings of the Chautauqua Institute, it is not clear if mother lived there or was spending the summer in that place.

In July of 1908, Mrs. Lawrence received a postcard from her son, Morris, who mailed a greeting from Kiamesha Lake – a resort area in southeast New York State (325 miles east of Chautauqua).

Today, Kiamesha Lake is the site of a large Hasidic Community.

Morris wrote, “Driving over the roads here and enjoying ourselves very much.”

Morris adds the information that the travelers did stop at the station and pay a call on the Tompkins.

The postcard is illustrated with a hand-colored photograph of “A Bend in the Road”.

One hopes that travel remained a pleasant occupation for Morris, and that Mrs. Lawrence enjoyed her summer in Chautauqua.

#MrsCLawrence, #MorrisLawrence, #KiameshaLake, #NewYork, #Chautauqua, #ChautauquaInstitute, #photograph, #postmark1908, #Tomkins,


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