A Girl and Her Horse – Westminster, Maryland (1911)

Miss Lulu Schildwachter lived in Baltimore, the commercial and transportation hub on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.


In November of 1911, Lulu received a postcard photograph from an unidentified friend.

The friend wrote from Westminster, the charming city and county seat of Carroll County in north-central Maryland.


The face of the postcard is a very dark photograph of a young woman on horseback.

The rider seems to have paused on a trail or pathway; some farm buildings can be seen in the distance.

I have enlarged and applied some light filters to the center of the photograph in an attempt to discern more details of the scene.

(The original, full scene is found below.)

Lulu’s friend wears a long riding skirt; she appears to be mounted side-saddle.

On the reverse, the rider addresses the limitations of the photograph; she writes, “…it was not a very clear day when it was taken, that is why it is so dark.”

I have not yet found Miss Schildwachter, although the family name can be found in several generations of Maryland history.

It is likely that “Lulu” is a nickname.

Lulu preserved the photograph throughout her life – perhaps she was also adept at riding.

One hopes that our heroine had many bright and sunny days on which to enjoy her horse.


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