A Postal in His Pocket – Jersey City, NJ (1909)

Mr. Marsh Palmer lived in Jersey City, the bustling city on the Hudson River – across the water from Manhattan.


In March of 1909, Marsh received a postcard from Edith.

Edith seems to live nearby, as the postcard was mailed from Jersey City.

The face of the postcard is an original drawing of a sailboat on a deserted bay at nightfall.

A title plate names the artwork as “Marine Scene”, and the artist is identified as Unker.

Although still and dim, the night-time sail does not seem ominous or threatening.

Rather, one senses the peacefulness of the scene.

On the reverse, we learn that Edith and Marsh are regular correspondents, and that Marsh calls on Edith.

I suspect that this postcard is a glimpse of the couple’s courtship.

Edith teases Marsh about his neglect of correspondence.

She suggests, “I think you had better check in your pockets and see if you haven’t got some postals you forgot to mail.”

All seems to be forgiven, however, as Edith closes, “I will look for you to-night.”

One hope that Marsh responded promptly to each postcard from Edith, that the evening visit was a great success, and that the romantic correspondence proceeded happily.


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