Mr. Joseph Labreche lived in Fall River, a busy commercial and transportation center at the mouth of the Taunton River in southeast Massachusetts.,_Massachusetts
In May of 1907, Joseph received a postcard from someone in the city who seemed to be on intimate terms with him.
The postcard, mailed from Fall River, is unsigned.
The face of the postcard is a drawing of a well-dressed couple taking a stroll in a park or shaded lawn.
The woman, who is turned toward her companion and smiling broadly, carries a parasol.
The gentleman, in a top hat, has a cane tucked under his arm.
Together, the couple present the very picture of appropriate courtship behavior.
On the reverse, we have some hints about the social life of Joseph.
The writer thanks Joseph for his recent gift, although it “took me one hour to unwrap it.”
If Joseph plans to bring Alma to “the house” on Sunday night, he is strongly encouraged to “come to the store Saturday night.”
It seems that the sender needs confirmation of Joseph’s planned attendance.
Perhaps the writer of the postcard is a family member of Alma.
In any event, one hopes that Joseph enjoyed the postcard, that he was able to confirm his plans on Saturday, and to bring Alma to the house on Sunday.