A Trip to Great Britain (1911)

DeWitt was one of a party traveling through Great Britain in August of 1911.

He sent a postcard from Preston, a city on the north bank of the River Ribble in Lancashire of northwest England.

Preston was a town since the Roman Era, and became an important industrial center with the development of the railroads in the 19th century.


The face of the postcard is a photograph of the Park Hotel in Preston.

The hotel was built jointly by two railroad companies, the “Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway” and the “London & North West Railway”.

(In the US, railroad companies also built hotels – the famed “Hotel Pennsylvania”, across 7th Avenue from Penn Station in Manhattan, was erected by the Pennsylvania Railroad.)

The hotel was used as an office building for many years following the nationalization of the British railways in 1948, but is now being restored as an hotel.


The postcard image was copyright by McCorquodale & Co., Ltd.

This printing firm was contracted to several railroad companies for the provision of tickets, posters, schedules, and promotional materials.


On the reverse, DeWitt reports that the party was returning from a week in Scotland.

The group is “on our way to Wales”.

This afternoon the group expects to be in Liverpool – the city on the estuary of the Mersey River, beside the Irish Sea in west-central England.


Everyone was well, and “enjoying the trip”.

The postcard was mailed to W. H. Brokaw of Mount Tabor, New Jersey.

Mount Tabor is a charming, self-governing home-owner association of north-central New Jersey.

Established as a Methodist Camp-Meeting association, the community remains a picturesque home to Victorian cottages and natural features.


One hopes that Mr. Brokaw was pleased by the British souvenir, and that all the travelers returned safely to their homes.


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