Miss Ruth Flanders lived in Bangor, the city on the Penobscot River in south -central Maine.
Throughout the 19th century, Bangor was the lumber capital of the US, and a center of ship-building.
In February of 1910, Ruth received a postcard from Frankie.
The face of the postcard is a fine drawing of a girl climbing a ladder to observe a nest of swallows.
There is no indication of the artist or the publisher; the postcard was printed in Germany.
The postcard is addressed “in care of A.A. Flanders”, suggesting that Ruth lived with her parents.
She may have been a child.
The postcard is postmarked in Bangor, so we may assume that Frankie lived nearby.
(Bangor had a population of almost 25,000 in the census of 1910.)
One hopes that Ruth enjoyed St. Valentine’s Day and saw the swallows return in the Spring.
The postcard was preserved in very good condition.