Miss Florence Maskry lived in Berlin Center, a small, unincorporated community within Berlin Township of northeast Ohio.
Sometime in 1908, Florence received a comic postcard from an unnamed correspondent.
The postcard was mailed from Berlin Center, so it is very likely that Florence knew the sender.
The face of the postcard shows the large, rotund posteriors of a man and women leaning on a fence.
Beyond them, the ocean stretches into the distance; a large steamship streams across the horizon.
I picked up the postcard because I love to find expressions of the popular mania for airships.
On this postcard, the graphic artist has drawn (crudely) a balloon, and a dirigible.
I am not sure what the third drawing is intended to represent -it may be a large bird.
(Airplanes in 1908 were all bi-planes, and are usually recognizable.)
The artist was Irvin M. Kline, who worked in New York and who produced a large number of comic postcards.
There are other postcards with the same heading, “Popping the Question”.
Kline copyrighted this illustration in 1907.
The postcard was published by “Uncle Sam’s Comics” and is part of the “Anglo series”.
I believe that the postcard was printed in the US but also intended for a market in England.
The phrasing, ending in “What” and the identification of the woman as “Birdie” seemed English to me.
Apart from the unusual perspective on our lovebirds, there is humor in the suggestion that these weighty individuals could be easily transported through the air.
It seems that Florence appreciated the comic postcard as it was preserved in decent condition for more than a century.