Bouquets for Miss Sackett – Ilion, NY (1908)

Miss Winafred (Winifred?) Sackett lived in Ilion, a village in central New York State.

The area, settled by German immigrants around 1725, prospered with the completion of the Erie Canal one hundred years later. Eliphalet Remmington founded Remington Arms in the village.

Sometime in 1908 (the postmark is sloppily applied), Miss Sackett received a charming postcard greeting.

We may assume that Winifred was not an independent adult as she is addressed in care of Frank Sackett, presumably her father or other relative.

The brightly-colored, embossed postcard, printed in Germany, bears an illustration of two children delivering floral offerings.

The children are playing “horse”, and one of the bouquets is on the ground.

The legend proclaims, “With Best Wishes”.

No artist initial can be found, nor is the publisher identified.

Nevertheless, it is a nice example of postcard printing.

It seems that Miss Sackett was pleased with the postcard as it was preserved in good condition for more than a century.

NOTE: Winifred Sackett is easily found on-line. She was born in 1903 to Frank Sackett and his wife, Clara.

In 1940, when she was 37, Winifred still lived on Otsego Street where she received this postcard at age 5.

#WinifredSackett, #FrankSackett, #ClaraSackett, #IlionNewYork, #OtsegoStreet


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