Mr. and Mrs. Hickerson lived in Lava Hot Springs, a small city along the Portneuf River in southeast Idaho.
The Oregon Trail and the California Trial passed this settlement which has numerous hot springs.
Some travelers were attracted to the hot springs, but the population peaked at 662 in 1920.,_Idaho
On December 24, 1915, the Hickersons received a Christmas postcard from Ruth and Noah.
The postcard was mailed from another place in Idaho.
The face of the postcard is dominated by a photograph of a rainbow shimmering over Shoshone Falls.
Shoshone Falls is a spectacular feature of the Snake River in south-central Idaho.
Irrigation and hydro-electric plants have reduced the continuous outpouring of water over the falls in recent years.
Beside the view of the Falls is a drawing of Syringa, a white blossom that is the State Flower of Idaho.
Syringa is a genus of flowering, woody plants that includes lilacs.
Above the pictures is a short string of bells and a printed greeting, “A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”.
On the reverse, Ruth has written a message to “Mother and Dad.
Ruth appears to be the married daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hickerson.
Ruth and Noah are “getting along fine and dandy”.
They “wish you were all here for tomorrow”, suggesting that the postcard was written on Christmas Eve.
One hopes that Ruth and Noah, along with Ruth’s parents, enjoyed a wonderful Christmas in Idaho.