Maude and Will spent “part of our Xmas” with friends outdoors; the group seems to be bathing or swimming.
The occasion was memorialized with a photograph.
This postcard photograph was sent to “G. + D.”
On the reverse, Maude and Will express a “wish you could have been with us”.
The identities of the celebrants, and their location, are not disclosed.
A group of men and women, and one boy, are posed on rocks protruding from a beach.
It is difficult to tell if the site is a large lake or the bay of a larger body of water.
The woman are wearing bathing dresses with bathing caps; the bathing headgear of one woman resembles a bonnet.
The men are wearing bathing suits that resemble long underwear – with chest and thighs covered.
The protection of modesty required a great loss of comfort and ability to swim.
Except for the smiling child, no one looks especially happy – although photograph conventions or possible glare might explain the pained looks.
(There is a faint smile on the faces of the man jauntily leaning on the rocks at the left, and the woman seated at the extreme right.)
I believe the postcard was printed in the United States; the geography of the Union would have included a few places where beach-side celebrations of Christmas were feasible.
The postcard represents both the impulse to share photographs as Christmas greetings and the non-traditional celebration of the winter holiday.