Miss Leila M. Howard lived in Belfast, a city on Belfast Bay and Penobscot Bay in southeastern Maine.
The city was burned by the British during the War of 1812, but has several historic districts and a wealth of noted architecture today.
In February of 1908, Leila received a comic postcard from a friend or admirer.
The identity of the sender is a secret to us; we may assume that Leila recognized the writer.
The postcard was mailed from another town in Maine.
The face of the postcard is a stylized drawing of a young man and young woman leaning together in a close embrace.
Their inclined bodies create an “arch” within which a humorous caption is printed.
The legend reads, “Never breathe a word of this to mother”.
The postcard was mailed in 1908, but the undivided-back suggests that it was printed circa 1906.
Because the postcard, related to romance, was mailed near St. Valentine’s Day, it is possible that the anonymous postcard was from a suitor.
We hope that Leila was successful in her romantic relationships and that she and her correspondent remained friends for many years.