Edward is Riding the Horses

Edward is Riding the Horses- Jefferson, North Dakota (1910)

Frankie Smith lived at 231 East South Street in York, PA.

In June of 1910, he received a postcard from Edward who was in Jefferson, North Dakota.

Jefferson is a very small, rural community in the north central region of the state.

The postcard, adorned with large pink blossoms, bears the legend, “May Fortune Smile on You”.

Perhaps the greeting was in celebration Frankie’s birthday.

Edward writes in a legible hand, “Frankie, I am having a dandy time eating cherries and riding the horses…”

I suspect, from the diminutive address, that “Frankie” is somewhat younger than Edward.

One hopes that Edward continued to enjoy his wilderness adventure, that Frankie enjoyed the postcard, and that the two were able to meet again.


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