Foster Sends a Picture of Harvesting – Honey Grove, PA (1909)

Mr. Jacob Crough lived in Altoona, the city in central Pennsylvania created by the Pennsylvania Railroad.,_Pennsylvania

In December of 1909, Jacob received a postcard from Foster Woodward.

Foster had traveled to Honey Grove, an unincorporated community of Juniata County in south-central PA.,_Pennsylvania

One would have to drive or ride about 100 miles from Honey Grove to Altoona because ridges of the Appalachian Mountains prevent a direct route between the communities.

Although the postcard was mailed in December, the face of the postcard shows a scene of a summer harvest.

This is not the first postcard photograph we have seen of the extensive horse or mule teams that pulled early harvesting equipment.

On the reverse, Foster reports that he “arrived safe and sound”.

Foster hopes that the postcard finds Jacob “well and enjoying yourself”.

Alas, we do not if Foster had traveled from Honey Grove, or from some other place.

Likewise, we do not know the reason for the winter excursion, nor how the two men are related to one another.

One hopes that both enjoyed the winter of 1909 and continued their friendship for many years.


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