Grandpa Sends Best Wishes to Harold – Middletown, PA, circa 1905

It may have been the birthday of Harold Strayer when he received a postcard from Grandpa.

Harold lived outside Middletown, PA (Rural Delivery Route #3), a borough along the Susquehanna River in Dauphin County.

I did not know, until looking it up, that Middletown grew up as a work camp for laborers on the Union Canal that would connect Lancaster to Carlisle; this project was a step toward the grand scheme of linking Philadelphia and Pittsburgh by railroads and waterways in 1824.

(In those days, the Commonwealth was able to make long-term, strategic investments in public works.)

The completion of the Erie Canal in New York State, which permitted the shipment of goods and resources from the entire Midwest region to New York City, spurred incredible development of transportation across Pennsylvania in a race to blunt the competitive “edge” of New York.

The postcard selected by Grandpa was printed in the United States about 1905. It is adorned with a large medallion framed by lilacs (?) encircling the words, “Best Wishes”.

Because the postcard was delivered by hand, we cannot be sure where Grandpa lived.

One hopes that Grandpa and Harold enjoyed many years of friendship.

I found the Strayer family name in many places in Dauphin, York, and Lebanon Counties. Alas, I cannot find Harold Strayer.


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