Miss A. V. Clark lived in New York City, but she did not forget her brother back in Iowa.
Henry C. Clark lived in Milo, a small city in south-central Iowa.
The community was born in the 1880’s when the railroad reached this area near Des Moines.
In March of 1913, Henry was celebrating a birthday.
Henry received a pretty postcard from his sister.
On the face, a placid rural scene is glimpsed beyond some large violets.
In the golden sky is an inscription, “A Note to You”.
I cannot find a clue to the publisher, but the postcard was printed in Saxony.
On the reverse, Miss Clark writes some lines to her “Dear Brother”.
She expresses the hope, “May you have a very happy birthday”.
Sister “would like to celebrate with you”, but sends “love and best wishes”.
Henry seems to have appreciated the affection of his sister as the postcard was preserved for more than a hundred and ten years.