Home of President Grant – circa 1925

I have long been a fan of General Grant, resenting the defamation he endured at the hands of “Lost Cause” sympathizers and Confederate apologizers.

Now, reading the prize-winning biography by Ron Chernow, I find even more reasons to admire the greatest general of the Civil War.

Although, as President, Grant presided over a cabinet of self-interested grifters (and his administration is not considered highly-successful), Grant did enforce the Federal protection of freed slaves and did an outstanding job of implementing the 15th amendment.

While dying of cancer, Grant completed his celebrated Memoirs, which is acknowledged one of the best ever written by a military man.

Although the couple had lived in several cities, Grant and his wife, Julia, maintained a home in Galena, Illinois throughout Grant’s tenure as Union General and as United States President.

Despite his political difficulties, Grant remained enormously popular and the home became a shrine soon after his death.

This postcard photograph was made sometime in the early 1920’s; it was not mailed.


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