“I’d Kiss You If I Only Had the Nerve” Romantic Postcard (circa 1910)

In other postcard stories, we have seen comic or romantic themes illustrated by the publishers, Bamforth & Co: “Under the Umbrella”, “The Male is Late”, “That Mustache is a Nuisance”.

The Bamforth firm was English, but operated in New York to serve the booming American market.

This postcard was “Made in Germany”; some Bamforth postcards identify “Saxony” as the place of printing.


Additionally, this postcard was not mailed, and it lacks any inscriptions that might yield clues about the postcard collector.

The style of the postcard suggests that it was made about 1910.

On the face, a beautiful young woman stands shyly, holding yellow roses.

Her long, pink dress is paired with a lacy, layered, wrap.

Our heroine is smiling brightly beneath her large, decorated hat.

Beneath the image, a legend describes the scene:

“I’d kiss you if I only had the nerve”

We do not know if this confession is being made to an unseen suitor, or if this is a private thought of the young women.

In any event, one hopes that the romantic situation was resolved to the satisfaction of both parties!


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