Mr. John Homan was in Minerva, a village in northeast Ohio.
Minerva straddles county lines, but most of the village is within the Canton Metropolitan Area.,_Ohio
While in Minerva, John received a postcard from his friend, Harold Davies.
Harold was in Wilkinsburg, a borough near the junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers in western Pennsylvania – now within metropolitan Pittsburgh.,_Pennsylvania
Harold notes that his message was written in Wilkinsburg on November 29, 1906.
Because the postcard was mailed from the railroad station, the card was postmarked in Pittsburgh.
Printed by the US Post Office, the face of the postcard features a seal of the US and a stamp honoring the late President McKinley.
On the reverse, Harold explains a delicate situation and suggests a remedy.
It seems that, before traveling to Minerva, John had been in Wilkinsburg.
John may have borrowed some books.
Harold reports, “Coe was around to see you today regarding those books…”
Because Coe, “seems really anxious about them”, Harold offers, “I think it would be best for you to send them to him.”
Coe had expected to find John in Wilkinsburg, so John’s trip may have been a short errand.
Harold closes his message with a question, “Did you get your watch?”
One hopes that John returned the books, recovered his watch, and that all the parties to the discussion remained friends and correspondents for many years.