Judy Enjoys the California Hills – Washburn, Illinois (1930)

Mr. Bloom Faw lived in Washburn, an agricultural village in north central Illinois.

In August of 1930, Bloom received a postcard from Judy.

The face of the postcard bears a lovely painting of the California Hills.

The postcard was hand-cancelled with a strike on the stamp; there is no postmark.

On the reverse, however, Judy writes, “We are still in Delhi”.

Delhi us a large, unincorporated community on the Merced River of central California.  It remains an agricultural area, about 80 miles south of Sacramento.

Judy reports that she “went out on a call with Edgar this morning”.

It is unclear what business or profession required Edgar to make calls.

In the evening, they went out on a drive “through some orchards up on a mountain side”.

Judy enjoyed the view and hoped to bring some fruit when she returned home.

Her return might be delayed as Judy is “not sure when we’ll go on to Los Angeles”.

Judy hopes that “you’re getting along”.

Published by the Pacific Novelty Company of San Francisco, the charming postcard lacks any credit to the postcard artist.

The folks in Washburn must have appreciated the view of scenic California as the postcard was preserved in good condition.


An unusual name makes genealogical searching easier.

Bloom Faw was born in Winston, Missouri on July 4, 1871.

He would have been 59 years old when Judy wrote to him.

Unfortunately, Mr. Faw died (August of 1932) in Woodford, Illinois.


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