“Longing for You” – Sarasota, Florida (1936)

Mr. And Mrs. Otto Wibbles lived in Louisville – Kentucky’s largest city, on the Ohio River opposite the State of Indiana.


Otto worked at “Charlie & Otto’s Garage” where he received a postcard from Florida.

The postcard was mailed from Sarasota, the beautiful city at the southern end of Tampa Bay on Florida’s Gulf Coast.


On Leap Day of 1936. “Pal” selected a comic postcard featuring the close-up image of a large alligator.

Above the drawing is a humorous inscription, “Longing for you in Florida”.

On the reverse, the sender wrote additional lines about using Otto as bait.

Comic postcards such as this one were popular; one can find images of coiled snakes, angry bulls, sharks, or “big cats” with a similar theme.

In contrast to the comic illustration on the face, the reverse shows a verse of fulsome praise for the South.

The lines were written by William Franklin Atwood.

One hopes that Otto and his wife appreciated the comic intent and enjoyed the postcard greeting.

Although I found a dozen persons with the surname, “Wibbles”, I cannot find Otto – nor any reference to the garage that once existed in Louisville.


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