Merle Came Over on “Old Harvey” – West Town, NY (1908)

Mrs. Charles Davis lived in Middletown, the largest city in Orange County of southeast New York State.

(We recently saw a reference to Middletown in another postcard story, “Paddle My Own Canoe”.)

In September of 1908, Mrs. Davis received a postcard from her sister – Kate Weeden.

Kate mailed the postcard from Westtown, a hamlet in southern Orange County – not far from the border of northern New Jersey.

Westtown is about 10 miles south of Middletown.

The face of the postcard is a hand-colored photograph of the “New York, Ontario, & Western Depot” in Middletown.

Middletown was the juncture of another railroad line, the Erie Railroad.

On the reverse, Kate addresses her “Dear sister” and launches into a report of meetings and visits.

Kate announces. “Merle was over here last night on Old Harvey’s back”.

We may assume that “Old Harvey” is the horse.

“Pa was to Middletown yesterday” and “Merle, Roy, and Floyd is (sic) coming over tonight.”

Kate seems pleased to announce that “we have got our couch yesterday” and “I am getting that wedding lamp with my soap order”.

Squeezed into the top of the postcard, Kate adds what might be the most important information: “Oliver, Alice, and I is (sic) coming up Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd.”

This inclusion suggests that the party is planning to call on Mrs. Davis.

One hopes that Kate received the wedding lamp, that the party made their visit to Mrs. Davis, and that the sisters maintained frequent correspondence for many years.


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