“Minnie & Frank Give a Photograph to Mama” – Traverse City, Michigan (1914)

In February of 1914, Minnie & Frank gave a postcard photograph to Mrs. Nora Redner of Traverse City, Michigan.

Mrs. Redner is the mother of Minnie.

 Traverse City, on a large bay of Lake Michigan, was once a center of the lumber industry in the northwest region of the lower peninsula.

Today, Traverse City is home to several wineries, an annual Cherry Festival, and significant tourism.


The postcard was not mailed, so it is not clear where Minnie and Frank were living.

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The photograph appears to have been taken at a studio, but there is no indication on the postcard of the photographer or of the location.

Minnie and Frank appear well-dressed; Minnie wears an elaborately-figured outfit and a hat; Frank is attired in a suit and vest – he holds his hat at his knee.

Unfortunately, the photograph was poorly-made in that a large spot of reflected light obscures much of Minnie’s face.

Her eyes do not appear distinctly.

On the reverse of the postcard, Minnie jokes, “I was dead when we had this taken”.

(I made some digital alterations to the photograph in an attempt to restore the features of Minnie’s face.)

Despite the unfortunate lighting in the picture, Mrs. Redner seems to have enjoyed the postcard photograph and to have preserved it throughout her life.

One hopes that Minnie and Frank had other opportunities to be photographed in which Minnie did not appear to have “died”.


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