At a recent postcard exhibition, I picked up several postcards related to the Huntley family, because the members seemed to be engaged in interesting activities that involved continuous movement between Troy/Albany New York, New York City, and places in Europe.
I believe that this postcard is related to a significant American female artist – Samantha Littlefield Huntley (1865-1949).
Mr. Grant Huntley lived on the upper west side of Manhattan.
Sometime in 1907 (it may be May), Grant received a postcard from his mother.
Mother was in Madrid, and sent an art postcard showing two Spanish ladies picking flowers.
The postcard was printed in Madrid and mailed from that city.
On the reverse, Mother notes that she is “looking every day for a letter…”.
Mother hopes that Grant is “well and getting on nicely”.
The postcard message does not make any reference to Mother’s activity in Spain.
I believe that the writer is Samantha Littlefield Huntley whose career includes a court case involving a Governor who did not like his portrait.
The Huntley family lived in upstate New York and in Manhattan.
Samantha Littlefield Huntley studied first in Paris, and then made numerous trips to Europe.
Samantha’s son, Grant Huntley, became a civil engineer and taught at Union College in Schenectedy, NY.
One hopes that Samantha had an inspiring visit to Spain, and that Grant sent promptly a long letter to his mother.