Mother Takes a Trip in the Harbor – New York City (1923)

In April of 1923, Mother was visiting New York City.

She sent a postcard to her daughter, Miss Genevieve Jones, in Depauville, New York.

(Depauville is a small village on the St. Lawrence River in north central New York State.)

Mother writes, “we took a trip out into the harbor”.

The postcard is illustrated by a hand-colored photograph of the New York City harbor.

“This is what we saw”, Mother notes.

The postcard may have been printed a year or two earlier than the postmark.

The view from New York harbor continues to delight and astonish.

When entertaining visitors to the city, I always took them on a circuit of the Staten Island Ferry in order to experience the awesome sight of the great city looming above the waters on its foundation of Manhattan schist.


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