Pine Cones for Christmas – Bath, New Hampshire (1916)

Mrs. A. E. Bailey lived in Bath,  a picturesque town on the Connecticut River in west-central New Hampshire.,_New_Hampshire

In December of 1916, Mrs. Bailey received a Christmas postcard from Mabel.

Mabel mailed the greeting from Woodsville, a village on the Connecticut River in west-central New Hampshire – about 5 miles southwest of Bath.,_New_Hampshire

The face of the postcard shows a series of decorative frames:

The outermost frame is an angular design, within is a partial frame composed of a pine cone wreath; within the pine comes is another frame of a printed message which “escapes” from the borders of the inner frames.

The printed greeting wishes the recipient, “A Merry Christmas”.

Because World War I destroyed the international trade in postcards, this postcard was printed in the United States.

On the reverse, the sender writes only, “Merry Christmas from Mabel”.

It seems that Mrs. Bailey was pleased by the holiday remembrance as the postcard was preserved in good condition.

One hopes that Mabel and Mrs. Bailey enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and that they remained correspondents for many years.


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