“Polly Says Not to Worry” – Washington, DC (1915)

Miss Margaret Swift lived in Fulton House, a small settlement in southern Lancaster County of southeast Pennsylvania.

Fulton House once had a creamery and a post office, but the post office closed in 1919.

The rebuilt birthplace of the inventor, Robert Fulton, has become a house museum nearby.

Members of the Swift family farmed the original Fulton family land since the 19th century; I do not know how Margaret is connected to that family.


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Miss Margaret was celebrating a birthday and she received a bright postcard greeting from Polly.

Polly mailed the postcard from Washington, DC on January 6, 1915.

The face of the postcard displays a drawing of window hung with curtains.

A pot of red flowers is centered on the window sill; other planters of greenery and blooms flank the window.

The symmetrical image is credited to the artist, Clinton Fisher.

The postcard was copyrighted and published by S. Bergman of New York in 1913.

Beneath the drawing, a printed heading announces, “To Greet You on Your Birthday”.

A verse follows:

“Your birthday again, well that

doesn’t appall us,

For you’re just a year sweeter

and dearer to all of us!”

On the reverse, Polly greets Margaret as “Dearest Peg of my heart”.

Polly adds, “Another birthday. We should worry.”

I am reading this as an ironic statement, “we should worry”.

“A tiny remembrance” is being mailed to Margaret from Polly.

Polly sends the message with love.

One hopes that Margaret was not distressed by another birthday, that she received the gift from Polly, and that the friends remained correspondents for many years.


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