New Freedom is a community in southern York County, on the Mason-Dixon Line.
It was originally called “Freedom” until the discovery of another town by the same name in Pennsylvania.
Interestingly, the Freedom name was not given in reference to a political virtue, but for the Free family who settled the area.
In late September of 1920, Miss Martha Walker of New Freedom received a postcard from her Sunday School teacher.
The postcard invited Martha to attend the “Rally Day” for the new Sunday School year on October 3.
I have posted other Rally Day postcards; the event was celebrated in many Protestant churches as a organizational meeting to set up Sunday School classes, introduce teachers, announce special programs, and celebrate the children in Sunday School.
Rally Day often included a church lunch or fellowship meal.
At the time Martha received her postcard, New Freedom was an industrial town and an important railroad link.
The postcard was printed by the Heidelberg Publishing Company, a printer of Sunday School materials for Reformed churches.
Apparently, Martha’s teacher lived on the other side of the Mason-Dixon Line, in Freeland, Maryland.
One hopes that Martha participated in the celebration of Rally Day and that she enjoyed the Sunday School classes of her teacher.