Ralph Hopes to See Mollie in St.Paul – 1908
In May of 1908, Ralph Royer (Roger?) was traveling through Seattle, Washington.
He mailed a postcard to Mollie Sauber in St. Paul.
Ralph inscribed a nonexistent street address, but the helpful post office seems to have entered a correct one, and to have delivered the postcard.
“…will be in St. Paul soon”, Ralph writes. We assume that Mollie was eager to see him as well.
The postcard illustration contains an interesting drawing of a turn-of-the- century zeppelin.
A man, wearing knickers that were common at the time, appears to have fallen from the airship and landed on a rooftop chimney.
The legend, “Just Landed”, adds a jocular tone to the scene of the surprised and discomfited traveler.
The tiny lettering printed near the chimney identifies the artist who copyrighted the drawing in Denver in the year, 1906.
One hopes that Ralph continued his journey as planned, that he found Mollie at a correct address, and that Mollie and Ralph enjoyed the reunion.