Salzburg, Austria – circa 1910

There are places in the world of such beauty that one hopes to visit again and again.

One of these places is the charming city of Salzburg, spanning the Salzach River near the Austrian border of Bavaria, Germany.

Populated since the Neolithic Era, Salzburg entered history with the establishment of a Roman city that combined several Celtic settlements (15 BC).

This small city with a deeply layered history delights the eyes, and (as the birthplace of Mozart) the ears.

I first saw Salzburg as a high school senior on a bus tour, and I expected to return soon.

Alas, despite other excursions to the Continent, that has not yet occurred.

Here is a brightly- colored postcard, not mailed, that was printed in Salzburg during the early years of the 20th century.


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“In Dreamland” – circa 1908

We have seen a variety of romantic postcards – some are earnest, some declarative, many are humorous, some bear a warning. This postcard shows the