Saying “Yes” to Everybody – Monmouth, Maine (1910)

Alice Ridlon lived in Monmouth, an old town (settled in 1700) in south central Maine. 

(Monmouth is about halfway between the cities of Lewiston and Augusta.),_Maine

It was a rich agricultural area, and the presence of mills on streams and rivers enabled the development of industry.

In September (?) of 1910, Alice sent a comic postcard to Mr. Henry Cook.

Henry lived in North Anson, a village adjacent to the town of Anson, about 60 miles north of Monmouth.,_Maine

The postcard illustration depicts a couple in formal dress seated closely together and gazing at one another.

An attendant Cupid looks surprised or astonished at the scene.

The legend proclaims, “UNeedn’t Say Yes to Everybody”, which is, “You Needn’t Say Yes to Everybody”.

I believe the weird phonetic spelling was made due to space limitations.

On the reverse, Alice adopts a detached tone.

She writes, “As you asked me to drop you a line, I will now do so”.

Alice is at the railroad station, and she is “writing this on the counter.”

It may be that Henry and Alice had met at a fair, as Alice inquires how Henry is doing “after the fair”.

Mr. Cook is encouraged not “to get mad over this card”, it was “the only one at the store.”

Without knowing anything further about these characters, it is not possible to draw any firm conclusions about their relationship.

But, I suspect that Alice is not terribly wild about Henry.

Nevertheless, one hopes that the two remained friends and correspondents.


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