“Thanksgiving Joys” to York County – Dover, PA (1909)

Mrs. Alice E. Frey lived in Dover, PA, a borough a few miles northwest of the city of York.

In November of 1909, she received a Thanksgiving postcard from C.C.L. In Urbana, Ohio.

Urbana is a city, 47 miles west of Columbus, in west central Ohio.

The postcard features a drawing of a rotund turkey standing before a rural scene.

Overhead, a bough of large apples.

Richly colored and embossed, the postcard lacks an indication of a publisher.

Below the turkey is the legend, “Thanksgiving Joys”.

One hopes that Mrs. Frey and her correspondent in Urbana were delighted by a harvest of peace and plenty.

May all the readers of the postcard stories experience the joy of Thanksgiving.


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