One can find many postcards of the early 20th century with the theme of “too busy to write”.
Some of these postcards, like this one, show a romantic attachment – others show punctured tires, charging bulls, lolling lazily in a vacation spot, or some hapless entanglement.
J. Murray Jordan was a prolific producer of light-hearted postcards.
We have seen other comic postcards of romantic themes from this publisher.
Although his studio in Philadelphia produced some high-quality travel books, Jordan is best-known to postcard collectors for his amusing photographs of amorous couples.
This postcard, copyrighted in 1905, shows a young couple from the rear.
Against a painted backdrop of a woodland retreat, a young man and a young woman sit tightly together; their arms are clasped around the back of the other.
Both are well-dressed, and both wear hats.
The handle of the gentleman’s cane or the lady’s parasol appears to be resting behind them.
Unfortunately, this postcard was not mailed, so we have no story about the persons who might have collected it.