For this hot Sunday in August, a refreshing view of Mount Eccles in southern Alaska.
This peak is the highest in the range of mountains on the southern rim of Alaska, just north of the Bay of Alaska and east of Prince William Sound.
In July of 1937, a friend of Miss Adland was touring the area.
The friend sent a postcard from Alaska to Miss Adland who was living in a rented room or dormitory in Chicago.
Mailed from Curry, Alaska, the postcard memorializes a one-time resort on the Alaska Railroad that is now a ghost town.
The post office in Curry was closed in 1959.
The postcard was illustrated by an hand-colored photograph of Mount Eccles soaring above a body of water.
In 1937, the “linen” style postcard was still the new fashion in postcard art.
The peak looks somewhat different today; record temperatures in Alaska have reduced the snow pack on all the mountain ranges so that Mount Eccles would not appear with the same white crown.
One hopes that Miss Adland found the scene as calm and refreshing as we do today.