Zeppelin Over Lake Lucerne

The Zeppelin over Lake Lucerne – 1911

It seems that Katie visited Switzerland in 1911; her signature appears on a souvenir postcard presented to Mr. Ed. Leopold of Philadelphia.

The postcard, printed in Lucerne, features a hand-colored photograph of a Zeppelin over the beautiful lakeside town.

Lake Lucerne, an oddly shaped body of water, extends four arms to touch several cantons.

The picturesque city of Lucerne, surrounded by mountains, is known for its medieval architecture.

(Lucerne was one of the last cities in Switzerland to feel the effects of the industrial revolution.)

Switzerland is officially multi-lingual, and Lucerne lies within an area where the German language (and dialects) predominate.

Thus, the printed legend on the postcard notes, “Luzern mit Ballon”.

It is possible that Katie never visited Switzerland and that she, like me, simply liked pictures of Zeppelins.

But, I believe the careful dating on the reverse of the postcard represents a travel itinerary.

One hopes the Mr. Leopold enjoyed this souvenir of Lucerne.


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