Aunt Stella Writes to Her Nephew – 1911

We met George Glick last year when he was invited by postcard to attend the “Rally Day” at Sunday School.

This postcard was mailed a few months later, in January of 1911.

Addressed to Master George Glick at 723 North Queen Street, the postcard features a whimsical drawing of two children escaping over a fence.

The hand-written inscription on the face indicates the card was to be understood as the offering from another child –   George’s cousin, Julia.

The long message on the reverse is a communication from Stella, Julia’s mother, to her sister, the mother of George.

We learn that Stella had taken Julia out sleighing, and that John and Phares had visited recently.

Stella asks if there are any small houses for rent “out that way” as their rent was going up to $8.50 per month in April and they were planning to move by that time.

We cannot tell where Stella was living, but it seems to have been an area of higher rents than those that prevailed on North Queen Street.

George (and his mother) preserved this card; it is remarkable to me that this bit of history has survived for more than a century.


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