Turkeys from Mrs. Ludwig – Spring Grove, PA (circa 1910)

Mr. C. Zimmerman lived in Spring Grove, a community that was not served by a local Post Office since 1895.

Based on business names that incorporate the name “Spring Grove”, it seems that the community was located in eastern Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Sometime near 1910, Mr. Zimmerman received a Thanksgiving postcard from Mrs. H. K. Ludwig.

The postcard, printed in Europe, featured an attractive drawing of turkeys in an Autumn field.

Like gleaners, the turkeys scavenge for kernels of grain or other morsels left from the harvesting of the fields.

The creatures work beneath brilliant plumes of Fall foliage.

The postcard was not mailed; we might assume that Mrs. Ludwig lived nearby.

The elaborate over-painting on the face of the postcard created a sense of depth and richness to the illustration.

Unfortunately, the thickness of the paint led to severe chipping and flaking as time and poor storage debilitated the image.

The face has significant digital repairs in order to approximate the appearance of the postcard when it was received by Mr. Zimmerman.

One hopes that Mr. Ludwig and Mr. Zimmerman enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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