Winged Cupid Sends a Valentine – Lancaster, PA (1907)

Laura May Klein lived on South Christian Street, one of the half-streets in the city of Lancaster, PA.,_Pennsylvania

On St. Valentine’s Day in 1907, Laura received a brilliant postcard from her friend, Alice D. Musser.

Alice lived elsewhere in Lancaster; the two may have been neighbors or schoolmates.

The face of the postcard shows a winged cupid holding an envelope.

It is difficult to tell if the Cupid is about to send the greeting or if the missive was recently received.

A dove perches nearby; the bird may be the courier of loving declarations.

The cupid and the doe are seated amid vibrant blossoms -deeply-colored and gilded, and adorned with sparkling glitter.

Although a publisher is not identified, we can see that the postcard was printed in Europe.

Laura seems to have treasured the greeting, as it was preserved in very good condition for more than a century.


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