“Rally Day” was the special celebration to open the Sunday School year in many Protestant Churches.
The Rally Day program often involved the introduction of Sunday School teachers, the assignment to classes. the announcement of prizes or awards to be won or attained, and a general acknowledgement of the congregation’s commitment to religious education and fellowship.
In many congregations, there was a fellowship meal and special games or activities for the young people.
Rally Day was usually performed in the early Fall, although I have seen invitations as late as November.
Millions of the Rally Day invitations survive, and some are remarkable examples of postcard art.
In October of 1924, Mr. and Mrs. John Eshleman received a postcard invitation to Rally Day.
The postcard announcement lacks identification of a publisher, although there is a serial number on the reverse.
The face of the postcard features an illustration of a large bell, being swung to proclaim the printed legend, “Come, ‘Tis Rally Day”.
The Eshleman family lived on a rural delivery route outside of Lancaster, PA.
We don’t know to which church they were invited for the special day.
One hopes that they enjoyed the experience of Rally Day and of the Sunday School program.