Miss Mary Johnson lived in Morristown, the historic center of north-central New Jersey and county seat of Morris County.
Morristown was the site of numerous encampments and engagements during the American Revolution and boasts the nation’s first National Historical Park.
On December 30, 1913, Mary received a New Year greeting from Viola.
Viola mailed the postcard from Dover, a town about 19 miles northwest of Morristown.
Dover was a center of iron-making in Colonial America and prospered as an industrial center through the 19th century.
The face of the postcard is a quotation by the great English poet, William Wordsworth:
“The thought of our past years
In me doth breed
` perpetual benediction”
The words are printed within an ornate and colorful frame, reminiscent of the English Arts and Crafts movement of the 19th century.
Small sketches of a church tower and a row of books add additional visual interest – an open book displays the printed message, “A Happy New Year”.
The postcard was printed in Saxony and published by the English firm of Raphael Tuck & Sons.
The publisher identifies this greeting as an example of the “Florentine Border” series of “New Year Post Cards”.
On the reverse, Viola uses all the space allotted for a written message to inscribe her name in a great descending flourish.
Miss Johnson seems to have been pleased by the postcard as it was preserved in very good condition for more than a century.
One hopes that Viola and Mary enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the New Year and remained friends and correspondents for many more years.