A “Handkerchief Surprise” for Ethel – Lancaster, PA (1909)

Miss Margie Humphreville was living on West Vine Street in Lancaster, the lovely and historic city in southeast Pennsylvania.


We have seen another postcard story related to Miss Marjorie; she was the Singing Teacher at Miss Witwer’s School.

In September of 1909, Miss Margie received a postcard from Edna Hufnagle.

The postcard was mailed from Lancaster, suggesting that Edna lived nearby.

The face of the postcard is printed in autumnal colors, and features a medallion drawing of a rural homestead within a frame in the shape of a maple leaf.

The postcard was printed in Germany.

Beneath the drawing is the printed greeting, “Heartiest Congratulations”.

On the reverse, Edna addresses her message to “Dear Miss Margie”.

Edna invites the teacher to participate in a “handkerchief surprise” for Ethel.

I am not familiar with this kind of event; it seems to involve a group of friends sending handkerchiefs to one of the number – like a “card shower”, perhaps.

It would be nice to know if Miss Humphreville accepted the invitation, if Edna succeeded in surprising Ethel, and what Ethel did with all those handkerchiefs.


I have found two references to Miss Margie Humphreville in newspaper archives and historical records: one, as a guest performer in a choir at the dedication of a church and, two, as the celebrated Director of Music for a large public celebration organized by the Lancaster Historical Society.


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