Miss Edith Michener lived in Solebury, a township on the Delaware River in eastern Pennsylvania.
English Quakers were the first European settlers in this rich agricultural area, early in the eighteenth century.
(The art colony that grew up around New Hope, PA in the nineteenth century is in Solebury Township.)
In May of 1906, Edith received a postcard from Philadelphia.
The unknown correspondent wrote on the face, “Likely to come up for the holiday and see you Wednesday evening”.
As the postcard was dated May 28, I assume that the reference is to Memorial Day.
The face of the postcard bears a likeness of great composer, Franz Liszt, and a sketch of his birthplace in Hungary (then, Austria).
The portrait of the great Romantic pianist and composer is very similar to a famed photograph of Liszt, suggesting that the likeness is true to life.
I have several postcards honoring great composers that were offered by the Theodore Presser Company – famed publishers of sheet music.
This postcard does indicate a publisher, so I have added it to the list of postcard mysteries that I hope to explicate with more research and collecting.
Franz Liszt was ennobled in 1859 by the Emperor Francis Joseph I. The composer needed the title to marry the Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein without her losing her privileges.
Liszt never used the honorary “Von”, and transferred the title to his uncle, Eduard, in his later years when he took Minor Orders in the Church.
Music lovers, of course, would consider that the failure to use the noble moniker was an insult to the memory of the musical genius.
One hopes that Edith prized the postcard and that she enjoyed a happy visit with her correspondent at Memorial Day.