Miss Jane Houghton lived in Kenwood Park, a village near the Cedar River in eastern Iowa.
Today, Kenwood Park is incorporated within the city of Cedar Rapids.
Here is a 1916 map of Cedar Rapids that shows the town of Kenwood Park.
In December of 1923, Jane received a Christmas postcard from Guy.
Guy mailed the postcard from Moneta, a town in southern California that no longer exists by that name.
Moneta is only one of dozens of towns and villages that have been incorporated within Los Angeles.
This news article includes a 1908 postcard view of Moneta.
The post office in Moneta has been closed.
On the face of the postcard is a simple drawing of bells enclosed by an evergreen wreath.
Beneath the lowest-hanging bell is a verse entitled, “A Merry Christmas”.
“Though but a single line-
No wish says more than mine.
A very merry Christmas.”
I cannot identify a publisher, but the postcard was printed in the United States.
On the reverse, Guy inscribes only, “Merry Christmas” and his name.
A dealer in old paper, who was disbursing an enormous collection of postcards from discontinued post offices, made the pencil notations on the reverse.
One hopes that Jane was pleased by the greeting from Guy and that both enjoyed a wonderful Christmas.