Alice Takes An Auto Trip of 325 miles – York, PA  (1924)

In August of 1924, Alice K. (presumably, Alice Knox) was visiting York, PA.

Alice was traveling with Mr. and Mrs. Lidiger (?) and family.

The group had made an auto trip from Seneca Falls, NY to York, PA.

The drive to York from Seneca Falls, NY was 325 miles. 

The visitors arrived on Tuesday; it is not clear how long an automobile trip was required.

The group toured Gettysburg, and visited with Clara and her family.

Alice mailed a postcard from York to Mrs. Frank Knox of Seneca Falls – hence, my assumption that “Alice K” is Alice Knox, and that she lived near Seneca Falls.

The hand-tinted postcard photograph shows the Courthouse and Security Building in York.

One hopes that Alice and the Lidiger family returned safely to their homes.


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