Althea Has a New Postcard Friend – Denver, Colorado (1939)

Miss Althea Harvey lived on Park Avenue in Windsor, Connecticut.

Windsor is a town on the northern edge of Hartford, the capital city of Connecticut.,_Connecticut

In April of 1939, Althea received a postcard from Ivar H. Percy who wrote from Denver, Colorado.

At this time, Denver was a bustling city of 300,000 residents and a diverse economy – just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.

Ivar records his address as “Fitzsimons Hospital; we do not know if Ivar was being treated or was employed at the facility.

Fitzsimons Hospital was founded as a leading center for the care of tuberculosis patients in 1918. It became an Army Medical Center in 1934.

The facility became a general hospital in 1960, but closed permanently in 1996.

The face of the postcard is a photograph of the Pioneer Monument in Denver.

The Pioneer Monument was commissioned from the noted sculptor of the Beaux Arts movement, Frederick William MacMonnies in 1904.

The statue has a history of controversy.

The original creation was capped with a Native warrior, but local business leaders complained so loudly that the monument was re-capped with a statue of Kit Carson.

In the 21st century, the statue of Kit Carson was removed in the face of protests about Carson’s role in abetting the subjugation and removal of native tribes.

This postcard, showing the statue of Kit Carson, was published by the Sanborn Souvenir Company of Denver.

We have seen postcard stories related to other monumental works celebrating the pioneers of European Settlement.

On the reverse, Ivar immediately informs Miss Harvey that he received her name from the Collectors Club of America.

In other postcard stories, we have read about the vast number of postcard clubs and exchanges that flourished in the first half of the twentieth century.

Ivar expresses a wish that Althea will enjoy this postcard view, and offers his club identification number.

One hopes that Miss Harvey was pleased by the postcard and that the collectors remained friends and correspondents for many years.


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