Aunt Lizzie Sends an Easter Rabbit – Safe Harbor, PA (circa 1910)

We met Daisy Pickel in earlier postcard stories.

When she received this postcard, Daisy was living on a rural delivery route near Safe Harbor, a community on the lower Susquehanna River in southern Pennsylvania.

Safe Harbor was established along the broad, shallow expanse where the Conestoga River meets the Susquehanna.,_Pennsylvania

At Easter, in a year near 1910, Daisy received a postcard greeting from her Aunt Lizzie.

The postcard was hand-delivered, suggesting that Aunt Lizzie lived nearby.

On the face, the postcard bears a whimsical drawing of two rabbits.

The brown rabbit sits on the ground; the white rabbit stands on his hind haunches.

Rabbits do this in nature – it is not a fanciful posture.

A printed legend declares, “A Happy Easter”.

The postcard was printed in Saxony and published by the English firm of Raphael Tuck & Sons.

An artist is not identified.

On the reverse, Aunt Lizzie writes, “wishing you a happy Easter”.

One hopes that Daisy and her aunt enjoyed a wonderful Easter, and that the two remained correspondents for many years.


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