Aunt Mattie Is In Naples – Wyncote, PA (1905)

Miss Natalie Tyson lived in Wyncote, a census-designated place bordering the northern boundary of the City of Philadelphia, at the southern tip of Montgomery County.

In March of 1905, Natalie received a beautiful, hand-colored painting of a scene of Naples, “Punta do Posillipo”.  

The “Tip of Posollipo” is a Neopolitan area of the coast that was the site of seaside mansions since the era of Roman Emperors.

There is an interesting archeological park in the area today.

(The painting seems to be signed.  

“Capece-Minutolo” is an old family name of Sicilian ancestry, but I cannot find information about an artist of that name.)

The postcard was mailed from Italy by Aunt Mattie.

Aunt Mattie writes that “all are well” and she sends “love to all”.

I have never visited Naples, but scenes such as this increase my resolve to do so.

One hopes that Natalie had an opportunity to learn more about Italy when Aunt Mattie returned from her trip.


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