In August of 1928, Mrs. Zigenhorn was living in Philadelphia.
She received a postcard from “A.K. McC.”, who was in France.
The postcard, printed and published in France, features a photograph of the beautiful narrow streets of Montmartre – in the shadow of the domes of Sacre Coeur.
The correspondent writes, “Montmartre is old Paris on the heights above the city.”
The message continues, “It is where the artists may be found.”
As every pilgrim to the “City of Lights” remembers, the beautiful avenues that Baron Haussmann imposed over the ancient tangle of Parisian streets could not reach the steep incline of Montmartre.
Although Sacre Coeur was erected late in the 19th century (as an act of national Thanksgiving for the end of the Franco-Prussian War), Montmartre otherwise remained largely as it looked for the preceding centuries.
The postcard was mailed from Paris on August 22, 1928.
Unfortunately, there is no receiving postmark in Philadelphia to inform us of the length of time the postcard was in transit.
The postage stamp cost 90 centimes, which an internet calculator estimates would cost the equivalent of $2 in 2022.
One hopes that Mrs. Zigenhorn was pleased by this charming picture from the capital of France.
#Montmartre, #SacreCoeur, #Paris, #OldParis, #BaronHaussmann, #centimes, #MrsZigenhorn, #PhiladelphiaPA, #postcardphotograph, #postmark1928,