Buying Some Honey – Cannonsville, NY (1920)

Mrs. A. M. Gardiner lived in Cannonsville, a village of Delaware County in south-central New York State.

The village was developed in the late 18th century, but was erased in 1964 with the creation of an enormous fresh-water reservoir.,_New_York

(In 1960, Pete Seeger contributed music to the film, “Indian Summer” about the destruction of five hamlets during the construction of the Cannonsville Reservoir.)

In August of 1920, Mrs. Gardiner received a postcard from Annie.

Annie wrote from the town of Walton, a charming community in Delaware County, about ten miles northeast of Cannonsville.

The face of the postcard is a beautiful scene of the Delaware River flowing near the town of Walton.

(For those with a hazy memory of geography in the northeast US, the Delaware River forms a border between south-central New York State and northeast Pennsylvania.),_New_York

We have seen other postcard stories related to the town of Walton:

This postcard photograph was published by J. Ruben of Newburgh, NY.

On the reverse of this postcard, Annie expresses disappointment that “we did not see you at Sidney”.

Sidney, NY is a town in northern Delaware County.

Annie shares the news that “Addison was having his teeth out”, then begins a discussion of acquiring some honey when Mrs. Gardiner is making her purchase.

Annie writes, “Telford wants Addison to see if he can get us some honey when you get yours…”.

Annie and Telford could use 10-20 pounds of honey if it is available.

One hopes that Addison recovered from his extractions, that Mrs. Gardiner was able to arrange a purchase of honey, and that Annie and Mrs. Gardiner remained friends and correspondents for many years.


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