Cousin Edward Will Be Married – Campbelltown, PA (1905)

This postcard is a vintage wedding invitation – one of the few I have ever found.

Miss Edith Lesher lived in Steelton, an industrial borough on the Susquehanna River southeast of Harrisburg, PA.

(This was the site of the first independent steel mill of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, in 1867.),_Pennsylvania

In August of 1905, Edith received a postcard announcement of the upcoming wedding of her cousin, Edward.

Edward mailed the postcard from Campbelltown, an unincorporated community at the head of the Spring Creek in southwest Lebanon County.

Steelton is about 15 miles west of Campbelltown.,_Pennsylvania

The face of the postcard is a spare drawing of a man and woman standing before a clergyman.

A large ring encircles the scene.

(The prospective groom appears as though he had a rough night before the wedding!)

The illustration was copyright in 1905 by A. H., who I presume is the publisher.

The postcard was printed in the United States.

A printed question asks, “Will You Join Us”.

This has a double meaning, as the question applies both to the couple and the clergyman and to the couple and the recipient of the postcard.

A hand-written notation appears beneath the printed question -indicating that the sender is Cousin Edw. and the date is September 14.

This might be an early form of “save the date” notice, as there is no indication of the time or location of the celebration.

One hopes that Edith looked forward to the happy event and was able to join the celebration.


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